Temple Emanuel has established the following rates and fees with Rabbi Becker for congregational members of Temple Emanuel. The fee schedule also includes fees for individuals requesting rabbinical services who are not members of Temple Emanuel. The following rates do not include travel reimbursement. Travel may need to be compensated for miles and/or hours.
For Temple Emanuel members, a negotiated reimbursement will apply for services that require travel outside of the Pueblo area. For non-members, the travel fee applies for services outside of the Denver area. Please note that if a person or group cannot afford to pay the standard rates, Rabbi Becker will work with the person, family, or group to help control costs associated with providing services.
Shabbat Services: $500 plus reimbursement for travel. Depending on the needs and the items supplied by the rabbi (such as prayer books), this charge can vary. The rabbi will quote a firm number after discussion with you the parameters of the service.
LIFE CYCLE: Temple Members Non Members
Brit Milah: $360 plus travel $400 plus travel
Baby Naming: $360 (off site or unconnected to $400 plus travel
services) plus travel
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
- Course of study $80 per hour $80 per hour (add $10 per additional student)
- Torah Service Officiant $500 plus travel $1200-2000 plus travel
Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah:
- Course of study Part of membership $80 per hour
- Torah Service Officiant $500 plus travel $800 plus travel
Graphic Design
-Booklet for ceremony $50 for small supplement $100/hr or arrange for project fee
$100/hr for complete text booklet
Funeral $550 plus travel $650 plus travel
Unveiling $400 plus travel $500 plus travel
Memorial $500 plus travel $500 plus travel
For Temple Emanuel members, a negotiated reimbursement will apply for services that require travel outside of the Pueblo area. For non-members, the travel fee applies for services outside of the Denver area. Please note that if a person or group cannot afford to pay the standard rates, Rabbi Becker will work with the person, family, or group to help control costs associated with providing services.
Shabbat Services: $500 plus reimbursement for travel. Depending on the needs and the items supplied by the rabbi (such as prayer books), this charge can vary. The rabbi will quote a firm number after discussion with you the parameters of the service.
LIFE CYCLE: Temple Members Non Members
Brit Milah: $360 plus travel $400 plus travel
Baby Naming: $360 (off site or unconnected to $400 plus travel
services) plus travel
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
- Course of study $80 per hour $80 per hour (add $10 per additional student)
- Torah Service Officiant $500 plus travel $1200-2000 plus travel
Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah:
- Course of study Part of membership $80 per hour
- Torah Service Officiant $500 plus travel $800 plus travel
Graphic Design
-Booklet for ceremony $50 for small supplement $100/hr or arrange for project fee
$100/hr for complete text booklet
Funeral $550 plus travel $650 plus travel
Unveiling $400 plus travel $500 plus travel
Memorial $500 plus travel $500 plus travel
$800 plus travel $1200-1500 plus travel
(fee includes 3 pre-nuptial meetings)
CO-OFFICIANT / CANTOR / MUSICIAN fees are dependent on the event. Let's discuss your needs.
STORAHTELLING makes ancient stories and traditions accessible to new generations, advancing Judaic literacy and raising social consciousness through creative interpretation, dialogue and theatrical presentation of text.
Rabbi Becker is a trained maven who brings this unique opportunity for study to services, bar/bat mitzvah training and text study. Fees are dependent upon programming and activities.
For further information about STORAHTELLING visit
A full day seminar starts at $650.
A half day seminar starts at $400.
(Extras may include textbooks to be distributed to attendees or other material that may be needed depending on the seminar. In most cases these costs can be eliminated.)
Multiple day seminars have costs negotiated based on the number of sessions and the number of people attending.
Travel costs are added if required. Rabbi Becker can develop seminars and conferences based on your needs. Please contact her to discuss the options.
$800 plus travel $1200-1500 plus travel
(fee includes 3 pre-nuptial meetings)
CO-OFFICIANT / CANTOR / MUSICIAN fees are dependent on the event. Let's discuss your needs.
STORAHTELLING makes ancient stories and traditions accessible to new generations, advancing Judaic literacy and raising social consciousness through creative interpretation, dialogue and theatrical presentation of text.
Rabbi Becker is a trained maven who brings this unique opportunity for study to services, bar/bat mitzvah training and text study. Fees are dependent upon programming and activities.
For further information about STORAHTELLING visit
A full day seminar starts at $650.
A half day seminar starts at $400.
(Extras may include textbooks to be distributed to attendees or other material that may be needed depending on the seminar. In most cases these costs can be eliminated.)
Multiple day seminars have costs negotiated based on the number of sessions and the number of people attending.
Travel costs are added if required. Rabbi Becker can develop seminars and conferences based on your needs. Please contact her to discuss the options.