Abortion providers will be required to report the procedures to the government. (Small government at work?) Fetal abnormalities will not be taken into account for decision making. (So much for genetic testing - oh, yes, that would count as science.) Physicians can be prosecuted by the law. They have been persecuted by the Anti-Choice activists for years; they, their families and their practices.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, 205 anti-choice, restrictive reproductive laws have been past by states in the past three years. That is more than in the preceding decade. Along with this, in 27 states, more than half the Unites States, women are at risk of finding supportive, adequate health care; particularly low income and young women. You see, along with taking away support for choice, closing those clinics also eliminated health care providers for annual exams, urinary and vaginal infections, cancer screening, health and sexual education, pre-natal care, birth control and more.
I am certain that our legislators would be happy to live in a house for an extended period of time with someone who has assaulted them - after they have reported it. I have no doubt that they are happy to have their medical records on impotence and premature ejaculation released to the government. But I doubt that they are willing to cross picket lines to have prostate cancer tests.
Here in Colorado, the legislature attempted to circumvent two prior state votes against personhood by passing a personhood bill in April under the guise of ‘fetal homicide’. Fortunately, it was narrowly defeated. However, they did manage to block the funding that has reduced teen birth rates by 40 percent over the past five years. This brilliant action occurred the day after the funding program received a prestigious award recognizing the achievement at an annual conference by the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association.
Do we really want to take the country back? Back to the days when we couldn’t discuss sexual issues, when we couldn’t find birth control, when having an abortion meant back alleys and the probability of not having children? If we are not vigilant, we will find ourselves back in the pre-Roe v. Wade era not only for abortion but for all women’s health issues. Don’t give away what was so hard fought and won. We’re near tilt now.
#http://ppact.io/1JC6Kth www.PlannedParenthoodAction.com